
In this example, we define one flag and one option: VerboseFlag and ConfigOption.

  • VerboseFlag: Enables verbose output. It can be enabled either with “–verbose” or “-v”. It has a description that appears in the help menu.
  • ConfigOption: Used to specify the path to a configuration file to load. It can be enabled either with “–configuration”, “–config” or “-c”. It has a value hint and description that appear in the help menu, and its value type is std::filesystem::path, so the parser will automatically create a path object from the provided file path.

How It Works

  • Definitions: Flags and options are defined as types by aliasing CLArgs::Flag and CLArgs::Option, and contain information about their identifiers, descriptions, value types etc.
  • Parsing: The parse method of the CLArgs::Parser class handles all parsing, validation, and object creation. If any issues occur, such as invalid input for the specified value type, exceptions are thrown with helpful error messages.
  • Error Handling: If an error occurs during parsing, the program catches the exception, prints an error message, and displays the help message.
  • Accessing Option Values: After successful parsing, you can check if flags are present using has_flag<>() and check for and retrieve option values using get_option<>(). The value is returned as a std::optional, so you should check if it contains a value before using it.

Code example

#include <CLArgs/parser.hpp>

#include <filesystem>

using VerboseFlag   = CLArgs::Flag<"--verbose,-v", "Enable verbose output">;
using ConfigOption  = CLArgs::Option<"--config,--configuration,-c", "<filepath>", "Specify config file", std::filesystem::path>;

main(int argc, char **argv)
    CLArgs::Parser<VerboseFlag, ConfigOption> parser;
        parser.parse(argc, argv);
    catch (std::exception &e)
        std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << '\n';
        std::cerr << << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    const bool has_verbose = parser.has_flag<VerboseFlag>();
    std::cout << "Has verbose option: " << std::boolalpha << has_verbose << "\n";

    if (const auto config = parser.get_option<ConfigOption>(); config.has_value())
        std::cout << "Config file: " << config.value() << std::endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Running the application

Once the application has been built you can run the application with the defined arguments:

./basic -v --config conf.ini


./basic --verbose -c conf.ini

If you omit the file path for the configuration option, an error message will be displayed along with the help menu:

$ ./basic --configuration
Error: Expected value for option "--configuration"
Usage: ./basic [OPTIONS...]

  --verbose, -v                 Enable verbose output
  --configuration,--config-c    Specify config file